The analytical advantages of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) TOF MS have been demonstrated for more than 25 years. With inherent benefits including its speed (time to results) and application flexibility, the convenience and effectiveness of MALDI-TOF MS is magnified by virtue of its low sample volume requirements and broad sample content (salts, buffers) amenability. Dramatic increases in the depth of MALDI analyses have been made routine by intuitive software, and easy automation allows for high throughput solutions.
Bruker’s FLEX series instruments provide reliable results from a market leading technology platform - well-known for outstanding performance, reliability, convenience and innovative design. From rapid screening to comprehensive target characterization, MALDI-TOF MS offers broad utility to meet all laboratory needs. Expert users and beginners can quickly and confidently tap into the analytical power and flexibility of Bruker’s FLEX series MALDI-TOF systems.

autoflex® maX - MALDI-TOF MS power for a wide application range
More than 25 years of MALDI – proven technological innovations
The autoflex® maX MALDI systems are built with our proven technological innovations and designed to be a powerful tool for scientists, analytical chemists and researchers around the world.

The most powerful benchtop MALDI-TOF MS today – 15k resolution – easy to use but ideal for many analytical challenges
The microflex® LRF can be operated in positive and negative ion mode using the linear or reflector detector.
The saturation free detector technology enables highest dynamic range and superior performance for high-mass detection.
Ion generation is achieved using a 60 Hz N2-Cartridge-Laser including variable power attenuator and UV optics.
The microScout ion source uses the exact dimensions of 1/4 microtiter plate with a medium area target plate (54 mm x 36 mm), allowing to stay compatible with MTP formats using pipetting robots.
The pumping system is fully integrated into the system and comprises a vacuum measurement and control unit as well as a 70 l/sec turbo-molecular pump and a diaphragm pump.

The rapifleX® is the most advanced MALDI-TOF/TOF system on the market today
MALDI-TOF/TOF adds unique capabilities to protein characterization
With speed in mind, we designed the heart of the rapifleX® MALDI Imaging solution to work up to 20 times faster than traditional MALDI-TOF systems, to meet the increasing requirements of tissue imaging or high-throughput primary screening.
The adaptable ion optics and class leading laser technology provide the best data quality, regardless of the acquisition mode or mass range.
The unprecedented 10 kHz speed and ion source robustness, the wide dynamic range, higher specificity and resolution, all contribute to the detailed

MALDI-TOF performance in true benchtop format. Using minimum lab space. Silent operation
Flexibility that helps your sample analysis
The integration of both ionization modes into the smartfleX greatly improves the range of analyte types which can be measured with the smartfleX.
The intuitive operation of the smartfleX will establish a higher productivity instantly. Your routine applications such as quality control or compound mass verification can be mastered with this conveniently silent MALDI system.
All that power is integrated into a 75 kg benchtop system using a minimum of lab space generating a maximum of output. Our known whisper mode makes working with the smartfleX a genuinely comfortable experience.

The enhanced ultrafleXtreme: the industry standard MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometer with 5 GS/s 10 bit digitizer for enhanced resolution and dynamic range
Fast and direct results for efficient research
Bruker's patented innovative smartbeam-II laser enables high data acquisition speed in both MS and MS/MS at full systems performance. The well-established proprietary smartbeam-II laser provides unprecedented analytical and matrix flexibility in workflows from protein tissue imaging, intact proteins analysis, glycoproteomics, biologics or oligo QC, polymer analysis, to LC-MALDI proteomics and TLC-MALDI – all fully enabled at 1-2000 Hz repetition rates.
Broadband mass resolving power up to 40,000 enables precision proteomics via Bruker’s unique PAN technology for highest mass resolution across a very broad mass range, not just at a selected optimum.
The FlashDetector combined with a 5 GS/s 10-bit digitizer and latest advances in electronics provide mass resolving power up to 40,000 and 1 ppm mass accuracy for highest confidence.
The IR-laser based self-cleaning ion source ensures robust, long-term highest-performance operation. Very long MALDI laser lifetime in combination with automated source cleaning in just minutes leads to high uptime and low maintenance costs.
Typically, full MS/MS data sets can be acquired with up to 1000 Hz laser repetition rate from low fmol levels within seconds. The Bruker bioinformatics software is perfectly adapted to analyze and visualize the match between the raw spectra and annotated peptide and protein structures.

The neofleX™ is a novel benchtop axial TOF/TOF designed for speed and flexibility within a small footprint for driving translational context for MALDI Imaging and beyond.
Easy-to-use: An ecosystem of consumables and software
Illuminate: More insight per pixel for contextualizing tissue biology
Rediscover: Enhanced speed and and performance in flexible MALDI workflows
Transform: Multiomic spatial biology applications from one slide
Record breaking simultaneous imaging of 116 antibody probes
By leveraging MALDI Imaging add depth to the multiomic information from a single tissue section. Push your spatial biology further to understand the complex ecosystem of the tumor microenvironment. Ultimately, transform molecular pathway awareness into disease related insights with MALDI HiPLEX-IHC and other multiomic measurements from one tissue sample combined in a single software solution.
Our spatial biology toolkit empowers you to identify targets using disease specific HiPLEX experiments to assess target engagement effects. A groundbreaking 116-plex MALDI HiPLEX-IHC experiment with 30 µm spatial resolution was collected in 7 hours on squamous cell carcinoma. Comprehensive protein analysis enables differentiation of control tissue from small cell lung cancer types.